Ecology and Economics of Oysters and the Chesapeake Bay

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Lectures & Workshops Special Event

You can argue delicious or disgusting, but there is no denying the important roles oysters play in the ecological health and well-being of the Chesapeake Bay. As keystone species, Eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica support communities of other species. Dr. Ihde, a research professor at the Morgan State University Patuxent Environmental and Aquatic Research Laboratory (PEARL), will talk about the history of oysters in the Chesapeake, and their importance to the ecosystem. and share some of  past and current research focused on estimating the regional economic impacts of oyster restoration efforts in both Maryland and Virginia.

Dr. Ihde  is a fisheries biologist specializing in crustacean fisheries and ecosystem modeling.  Much of his work is focused on improving our understanding of living resources in the context of ecological, physical, chemical factors, and human impacts over both space and time. The unifying goal of Dr. Ihde’s work is to provide policymakers with the quantitative information they need to make well-informed natural resource decisions.  Most of his work has centered on the dynamics and management of the living resources of the Chesapeake Bay.


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