The Beltsville Virtual Experience – 7,000 acres in one hour

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Lectures & Workshops

Sit back and enjoy virtually touring the world’s largest, most comprehensive agricultural research center on ~ 7,000 acres in Beltsville, Maryland – also home to the world’s largest National Agricultural Library.  Jay Green will be your pilot and guide for this 1-hour informative, educational and engaging virtual experience via a virtual flying green bus.   

The mission of the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center is to provide the American public with an exceptionally talented, highly interdisciplinary scientific community in the USDA’s largest scientific installation, and leverage these resources to envision, create, and improve knowledge and technologies that enhance the capacity of the nation – and the world – to provide its people with healthy crops and animals; clean and renewable natural resources; sustainable agricultural systems; and agricultural commodities and products that are abundant, high-quality, and safe.

Beltsville Agricultural Research Center labs:

Jay Green is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master of Science degree in Nutrition Education and Mass Media Communications from Teacher’s College/Columbia University, NY (1979).  He has worked for several private companies and federal agencies, including two VA Medical Centers (as Chief Clinical Dietitian); USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service; Marriott Corporation; Norwich-Eaton Pharmaceuticals; and was the Director of Nutrition Education for General Nutrition Corporation (GNC).  Since 1994 [when his former USDA agency – the Human Nutrition Information Service – was dissolved], he has worked for the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), mainly in a public relations and outreach-type capacity throughout 3 positions.  He created a no-cost recording studio as well as wrote scripts, recorded and produced many ARS Podcasts; exhibited at various ag-related symposiums and conventions; facilitated webinars; and produced several employee engagement events (physically and virtually).


Online via Zoom