The Bog Turtle: Natural History and Conservation in Maryland

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Clubs Lectures & Workshops

Maryland is home to one of North America’s rarest turtles: the bog turtle. DNR Wildlife Ecologist Scott Smith will talk about the natural history of this enigmatic species and its fen habitat, and 30 years of conservation efforts in Maryland. Scott has worked for DNR since 1989 and began his journey with bog turtles in 1992.

Wildlife Diversity Ecologist with 1989 – Present Scott concentrates on conservation efforts on rare, threatened and endangered animals and habitats, with a focus on reptiles and amphibians, though past experience extensively with birds and wetland plants. Job duties include applied research, habitat restoration & management, pubic education, environmental review, and mentoring students.

This meeting of the NHSM Herp Club will be held in person with the option to log in virtually. Please choose your option in the registration process. Those attending in person must comply with the NHSM COVID requirements.  The Natural History Society of Maryland, Inc. is a science-based organization.  We have adopted the following requirements for in-person, in-building events.

  1. Wear a facemask over nose and mouth (preferably KN-95).
  2. Follow spacing requirements for event.
  3. Be fully vaccinated or tested negative for covid-19 within 24 hours.

We set forth these rules to ensure that everyone understands what we are requiring to keep our members and participants safe.  During the pendency of covid-19 infections in USA, we will adjust these requirements as deemed appropriate based on current information about covid-19.

    • Are you fascinated with reptiles and amphibians? The Natural History Society of Maryland’s Herp Club promotes the proper husbandry, conservation, study, and appreciation of reptiles and amphibians. Meet fellow “Herpers”! Amateurs, professionals, and kids of all ages are welcome! Membership to NHSM required. (NHSM membership is $25 for individuals, $35 for families.) Herp Club membership is an additional $5 for individuals and $10 for families annually.
      Learn more about NHSM Clubs:
