The Life and Times of the Mosasaurs, Giant Predatory Sea Reptiles

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Clubs Lectures & Workshops

What if sea monsters were real? This talk explores the life and times of the Mosasaurs, the toothy giant sea reptiles who ruled the Cretaceous seas! Join us to learn how paleontologist and Mosasaur expert Professor Nathan Van Vranken is using cutting-edge technology & techniques to understand their evolution and movement over millions of years and how one Mosasaur ended up in the famed dinosaur-packed Hell Creek formation in the North Dakota Badlands. Come find out more about this real life sea monster!

Professor Nathan Van Vranken is a professor at West Virginia University – Potomac State where he teaches classes in Biology, Geology, and Geography. Van Vranken received his Master’s degree in Geology from the university of Texas at the Permian Basin and his bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is an expert on Cretaceous Marine life and has published and presented much research on them. 

Natural History Society of Maryland’s Fossil Club is a group of novice and more experienced collectors will meet to exchange knowledge and help with fossil identification, discuss fossil locations, as well as other fossil related topics. Monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at the Natural History Society of Maryland. Due to COVID, NHSM is opening up this club meeting to all. Non-members are asked to donate $5. If you are a fossil enthusiast, please consider joining ( The Natural History Society of Maryland is a volunteer-led non-profit organization, so the fee you pay will go directly to support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible


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