Wintering Tips, Tricks, and Practices for Spring Butterflies: NHSM Lep Club Feb. Mtg.

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Clubs Special Event

The February Lep-Club meeting (virtual) will focus on some of off-season activities you can be doing to help make 2021 more successful. We be discussing 3 topics:
-Overwintering you cocoons- tricks and different practices.
-Hunting for overwintering Caterpillars (RSP).
-If you grow it, they will come- Tips for growing natives from seed.
The Lep Club, is made up of novice and expert lepidopterists who meet to exchange knowledge and support concerning habitat, threats, food sources, identification, and life cycle of butterflies and moths. Club meetings encourage a sharing of knowledge for the raising and breeding of moths and butterflies through hands-on lessons and guest speakers. Club members are also involved in outreach in the greater Baltimore community through educational programs and service projects. Club meetings feature a guest speaker that share their knowledge on a topic related to moths and butterflies as well as time to distribute caterpillars and eggs. As a group, we rear and share incredible native butterflies and saturniid moths (lunas, polyphemus, cedropia, imperials and more) with one another. Senior club members always walk you through everything you need to know in order to successfully raise your new friends. The goal is to raise enough leps that some can be released and increase the wild population. The Club meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
To learn more about all NHSM Clubs:


Online via Zoom