Ostrich Egg

The Cabinet of Curiosities

The ostrich is the largest living bird, and they have the largest eggs of any bird. However, if you consider the size of the ostrich compared to their eggs, ostrich eggs are actually the smallest eggs of any bird! (Mlbelvins, 2009). The eggs average around six inches long and weigh about three pounds.

Females can lay 40-100 eggs a year, usually one every second day from March to August. They lay eggs for around 25-35 years and live to be 40-45 years old. Ostriches lay their eggs in a communal pit, with 2-7 females laying in one pit. The dominant female goes first; she also rejects weak eggs by burying them. Each female can still identify their own eggs in the communal site.

Females take turns incubating the eggs during the day when their brown feathers can camouflage them against the sand. Males take turns at night; this allows their black feathers to provide the same camouflage in the dark.

Incubation last 35-45 days, during which the pit is raided by predators many times. Only 10% of the eggs survive.

Reflection question:

A single ostrich egg contains 2000 calories and is rich in protein, vitamins, and trace minerals. Would you give one a try in an omelet?


Mlblevins. (2009). Unbelievable Facts About Ostrich Eggs – The Largest in the World. Bird Eden. https://birdeden.com/ostrich-eggs-facts